
Candied Almonds

Knäckebröd (Swedish Rye and Spelt Crispbread)

Classic Apple Pie

Easter Salad with Hot Smoked Salmon and Asparagus
Lightly cooked asparagus, hot smoked salmon and crispy radishes in a dressing with capers and mustard. Serve as part of your Easter buffet, or as a luxurious lunch.

Västerbottensost Cheese Pie

Gubbröra is an egg-anchovy salad whose colourful Swedish name means ‘old man’s mix’. Works well both as a starter and as a midnight snack.
Swedish culinary tradition includes numerous dishes that are based on seafood or meat that has been salted to last a long time, in this case spice-cured anchovies. Egg-anchovy salad is best served as a starter on a thin slice of round dark bread. A small sprig of dill on top looks nice.

Pastry Parcels with Västerbottensost Cheese
Västerbottensost cheese is one of Sweden's most popular hard cheeses. This recipe is easy to make and delicious - perfect party bites!

Bostongurka - Pickled Cucumber Relish
Bostongurka tastes amazing in a burger and as a relish with meat, fish or vegetarian dishes. The name 'Bostongurka' has nothing to do with the city of Boston but is purely a brand name of a product invented in 1945 by a second world war refugee from Czechoslovakia named Herbert Felix. His last name is still to this day synonymous with Swedish pickles. Felix is one of biggest Swedish food brands.
Below is our recipe for how to make your own home made Pickled Cucumber Relish, which is the perfect accompaniment with burgers and hot dogs, as well as meat and fish dishes.

Rosehip Soup

Nettle Pesto

Whipped Chanterelle Butter works well with fish, meat and vegetable dishes or simply with crispbread or sourdough.