Serves 4
8 even sized potatoes
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp grated dry cheese, for example Västerbottensost cheese (optional)
2 tbsp bread crumbs (optional)
Salt and pepper
Top tips! Vary this tasty potato dish by brushing with garlic butter or sprinkle them with chopped almond flakes or fresh rosmary before serving.
Turn on the oven to 225°C (gas mark 7)
Peel the potatoes. Cut in to thin slices, but do not cut all the way through! Place the potatoes in a large wooden spoon and then cut, this will prevent you from cutting all the way through by mistake. Melt the butter and mix with the cooking oil. Place the potatos with the cut side up in an oven proof dish. Brush with melted butter and oil mix. Bake in the middle of the oven for approx. 20 min. Take out of the oven and brush with a little more butter and oil mix. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with grated cheese or bread crumbs (optional). Bake in the oven for approx. another 20 min or until the potatoes are soft in the middle. Serve with fried meat, poultry or game dishes.
Image borrowed from tasteline.com