1 kg fresh beetoots of similar size
1 dl Ättika 24%
4 1/2 dl water
3 dl caster sugar
10 whole white pepper corns
10 cloves
The most important ingredient is Swedish spirit vinegar, which you’ll find in our stores. Here's a recipe for home pickled beetroot.
Cook the beetroots in water for approx. 20-25 minutes until cooked through. Peel or rub off the skin, and slice (small beetroots can be pickled whole). Place the beetroot slices in clean jars.
Place Ättika, sugar, water, white peppercorns and cloves in pan and bring to the boil. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Pour the mix (including the spices) over the beetroot and seal the jars tight. Store the jars cold. Enjoy the pickled beetroot during the winter months with Pyttipanna, Meatballs, Swedish liver pate (Leverpastej), egg dishes and chopped up in salads.
Pickled beetroot comes in many forms. Try adding a piece of horse radish in each jar, or sliced onion and chilli.
Image borrowed from blogg.lantliv.com/systrarnaeisenman