(serves 4)
3 red peppers
1 dl sun dried tomatoes
1 dl pine nuts
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
1 tbsp Lantbuljong from Renée Voltaire
1 clove of garlic
1/2 pot of fresh basil
1 tbsp Örtsalt Ramslök from Renée Voltaire
3-4 dl water
garnish with water cress (optional)
“I often mix cold soups. It’s quick and easy and it’s just as nice as a cooked soup. For this dish I sometimes roast the peppers in the oven for 15 min (oven pre-heated to 250 C/Gas mark 9), and peel of the skin for a sweeter taste. Half the peppers and remove the seeds. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor to a soup. Serve cold, or heat up in a pan to serve hot. I make almost all my soups in this way. Use your imagination and vary the ingredients.”
Renée Voltaire
Soup variations:
Courgette soup with skinless almonds, garlic and lemon
Carrot soup with Raw Kokosolja coconut oil from Renée Voltaire, curry spice and garlic
Tomato soup with cherry tomatoes and sun dried tomatoes, fresh chili and figs