Kanellängder - Cinnamon Lengths
This recipe is for Cinnamon Bun lovers who fancy making something a little different. Kanellängder, or Cinnamon Lengths in English, are rectangular shaped breads which are perfect to serve up when you want to treat a larger group of friends to fika.

25g fresh yeast (or 7 g fast-action dried yeast then mix it with the flour)
300 ml of lukewarm milk
75 g salted butter, soft
0,5 tsp salt
65 g sugar
1/2 tbsp ground cardamom
480 g approx. strong bread flour
1 egg
100 g soft butter
90 g sugar
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 egg
100 ml of pear sugar and/or flaked almonds
Crumble the yeast in a large bowl and add a bit of the milk to dissolve the yeast before adding the rest of the lukewarm milk and an egg.
2. Add all the other ingredients for the dough and knead it by hand for 15min or 10 min in a dough mixer.
3. Let the dough rise while covered for 45-60 minutes.
4. Mix the filling together and turn the oven on 200°C / 180°C fan/Gas mark 6)
5. Roll out the dough to a rectangle approximately 5 mm thick and spread the filling evenly. Roll the dough from the long side and cut in the middle so you have to thick rolls.
6. Place the rolls on a baking tray and with scissors cut 10mm slices, (not all the way to the bottom). Push the slices apart, one to the left and the other to the right.
7. Leave them to rise under a tea towel for about 45 minutes or until the breads have roughly doubled in size.
8. Beat the egg and brush carefully on the breads. Sprinkle pearl sugar and flaked almonds on top.
9. Bake in the lower part of the oven for 25-30 min.
Recipe and photo: Elin Fry, Fika Bristol https://fikabristol.co.uk
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