Falukorv Sausage Kebab

If you haven’t yet tried making a kebab using Swedish Falukorv sausage, you’re in for a treat! This recipe is fun and delicious - sure to be a new family favourite!
Falukorv Sausage Kebab
Serves 4
800 g of Falukorv sausage,  (we stock it in both our stores and in the online shop)
1 tbsp neutral oil
1 tbsp cumin
0.5 tbsp paprika powder
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
0.5 tsp chilli powder

Garlic sauce:

2 dl crème fraiche
2 tbsp water
1 clove of garlic, grated
1 tsp oregano
0.5 tsp granulated sugar
Salt and black pepper, to taste

To serve:
4 Greek style flatbreads
300 g iceberg lettuce, shredded
2 tomatoes, sliced
0.5 red onion, sliced
2 dl red kebab sauce
Feferoni chilli
Thinly slice the falu sausage lengthwise with a sharp cheese slicer. Fry in oil until it gets some colour.
Add the spices and fry until the sausage is slightly crispy. Mix the ingredients for the garlic sauce and season with salt and pepper.
Fill the flatbreads with the sausage slices, lettuce, tomato, onion, garlic sauce and kebab sauce. Serve with feferoni chilli.

Recipe and photo borrowed from Coop Sweden.

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Oven-baked Falukorv Sausage with Västerbottensost Cheese and Apple



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